neděle 28. prosince 2008

How to use MonoDevelop for Maemo

I needed to create a simple application for Nokia N810 running maemo. Because I am used to C# and Microsoft.NET and I knew that there is Mono available for Maemo, I decided to write it in C# using MonoDevelop.

Everything is working fine, but you have to change the GTK# support exactly for 2.10.3 in MonoDevelop, Project Options, General, GTK# Settings, Options. If you do not do that, when you run the application on your Nokia, you get The following assembly referenced from ... could not be loaded.

1 komentář:

David Podhola řekl(a)...

If there is no GTK# 2.10.3, you have to install it through Add in manager, IDE Extensions, GTK# Visual designer